key | en | abbrechen | Cancel | ablaufDatum | Expiration date | abschnittWahlHelpText | | adresse | Address | aendern | modify | akzeptiert | accepted | alleProduktionen | All productions | alleSparten | All art kinds | alleSpielorte | All places | am | at | angabeBezahlDaten | Enter payment details | angabeKriterien | Select the filters for the search for events | angabeKundenDaten | Enter customer details | anrede | Title | anzahl | Number | auftrag | Order | auftragAbschliessen | Submit order | auftragAbschlussFehler | Error ! | auftragAbschlussFehlerText | Due to an error your order could not be processed and is reset. Please try again later and contact the event holder, if the problem persists. | auftragNachsatz | As soon as your tickets have been paid you can call for them at the box office till the event begins. On your demand the tickets will be sent to you if your address information is correct (For domestic customers until 10 days and to other countries until 20 days before the event). | auftragNachsatzMail | You will receive an provisional confimation of this order by e-mail if you entered your e-mail address. | auftragscode | Order-Code | auftragsNr | Order-Nr | auswahlPlaetze | Select the seats | auswahlVeranst | Select an event | bankverbindungAbweichendVonDB | The entered bank account is not equal to the earlier registered information. Please check your input. If the problem persists, please contact the event holder. | bankverbindungFehltInDB | There is no bank account information saved in your customer data. Please select another payment type or contact the event holder. | bankverbindungUngueltig | The entered bank account cannot be validated. Please check your input. If the problem persists, please contact the event holder. | bankverbindungUnvollstaendig | The entered bank account information is incomplete. Please check your input. If the problem persists, please contact the event holder. | bereitsKunde | Registered customer | bezahlArt | Payment type | bezahlDatenAngeben | Please enter the payment information: | bezahlungsDatenCVCHelpText | \n\nCVC-code: \nThe CVC is a code, consisting of three digits, which you will find at the reverse of your credit card. On the strip for your signature, you will find the number of the card (or in some cases, only the last four digits). To the right of this number is the CVC. Together with the number and expiry date this is a unique combination. | bitteKundennummerBenutzen | Please use this customer number for further orders. | bitteNotieren | Please make a note of the following information: | block | Section | blz | Bank number (only digits) | buchungInSchrittenText1 | To book tickets takes | buchungInSchrittenText2 | steps: | buchungssystemAusgelastet | Booking system overloaded | buchungssystemAusgelastetText | The booking system is currently overloaded. Please wait a moment. After a timeframe of 5 seconds, an automatic query will commence to determine whether the booking system is still overloaded. Please remain patient during this time and do not terminate this process or restart this booking system. | buchungsVorgangFortsetzen | Continue the booking process by pressing ‘next’. | datenEingeben | Please enter your customer information (fields with an asterisk (*) are required) | datenSchutzHinweis1 | I read the | datenSchutzHinweis2 | protection of data privacy | datenSchutzHinweis3 | information and the | datenSchutzHinweis4 | AGB | datenSchutzHinweis5 | and | datenSchutzHinweis6 | allow the storage of my personal data. | datenScHutzHinweisFehlerText | For securitisation your order we need your consent to storage your personal data. Please select the checkbox, if you allow us to save your personal data. | datum | Date | datumBis | Date until | datumVon | Date from | den | the | detailansicht | To the detailed overview | eingabeFehler | Input error | einzelPreis | Unit price | email | E-Mail | entfernen | delete | erneutVersuchen | Please try again or contact the promoter. | erstSuchenText | Please enter surname and customer number and select the 'search'-button to fill out the form automatically, or register as 'new customer'. | fax | Facsimile | fehlendeAntwort | Missing answer | fehlendeAntwortText | You did not answer a question. For all questions with a '*' behind them, at least one answer must be selected. | fehler | Error | fehlerBeiReservierung | Reservation error ! | fehlerBeiReservierungText | While reserving an error occured because some seats were sold meantime !\nPlease make a new selection. | fortfahren | continue | fragenBeantworten | Please answer the following questions. Questions with a '*' must be answered. | fruehestesDatum | Earliest date | fuerPlatz | for seat | gesamtPreis | Total amount | grund | reason | hausNr | Number | hilfe | Help | hilfeFenster | Help window | hinweis | Note | ja | yes | jackenplatzHinweis | Unused adjoining seat ! | jackenplatzHinweisText | Next to the seats chosen by you, one single seat is still available which first has to be filled. \r\nPlease re-release a seat and then select the unused adjoining seat. | kartenNr | card no. | kartenNrText | The card no. | kartennummerEingeben | Please first enter the card number into this text field behind the respective seat and then save. | keinePlaetzeAusgewaehlt | No seats selected ! | keinePlaetzeInBlockFrei | No available seats | keinePlaetzeInBlockFreiText | There are no available seats left in this section. Please select another section. | keinePlaetzeNebGefunden1Text | In the selected price category there are not | keinePlaetzeNebGefunden2Text | seats side by side.Please select another category or decrease the number of seats. | keineSitzPlanPlaetzeAusgewaehltText | You have selected no seats. Please select the desired number of seats in the detail view on the right | keineTextPlaetzeAusgewaehltText | You have selected no seats. Please select a number of seats of at least one reduction type. | keineVeranstGefunden | No events found ! | keineVeranstGefundenText | Using the chosen filters no events were found. Please change your selection. | keineVorkaufsPlaetzeAusgewaehlt | No seats selected | keineVorkaufsPlaetzeAusgewaehltText | You have not selected any seats. Please mark the selection box in front of the seats for which you wish to exercise the advanced purchase option. | keineVorkaufsPlaetzeGefunden | No seats found. | keineVorkaufsPlaetzeGefundenText | No seats were found for which you hold an advanced purchase option. Please review your customer data and try again. | kontoNr | Account number (only digits) | kreditKartenNr | Card number (only digits / no spaces) | kreditKartenPruefNr | CVC | kunde | Customer | kundenDatenHelpText | Order information: \nIn the upper textbox you will find your order number, the performance and the selected seats with prices. \n\nRegistered customer: \nIf you have ordered tickets before, please select 'Registered customer'. \nEnter your surname and your customer number and press 'Search'. \n\nNew Customer: \nEnter all address information. The order can only be processed, if all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled in. | kundenDatenNichtGefundenText | Your customer information could not be found !\nPlease check your input or register as 'new customer'. | kundeNichtErfasstText | Your customer profile could not be saved properly. Please check the information you had provide us with. \r\nIf this message is shown several times please contact the event holder. | kundenNr | Customer number | kundenNrNeuText1 | Your customer profile had been saved several times in our database. In order to avoid double couting we have saved your customer profile under the following number: | kundenNrNeuText2 | We kindly ask you to use this number for further bookings. \r\nIf you have any questions please contact the event holder. | land | Country | lastschriftHinweisText | To use the payment type 'Lastschrift' your bank account information must be registered in the event holder database. Otherwise the order will be denied. | loeschen | Delete | marketingCodeHelpText | There can be several answers for each question. Questions with a '*' behind them must be answered. | moeglicheDoppeltePlatzauswahl | Potential double seat selection | moeglicheDoppeltePlatzauswahlText1 | In the system, an order with order number | moeglicheDoppeltePlatzauswahlText2 | which has been booked | moeglicheDoppeltePlatzauswahlText3 | has been stored. The order indicates the same order data as in the current order. If this is intended, resume with the booking process. If not, terminate the booking and contact the promoter. To this end, please note the order number and the booking date. | nachnahmeText | This order has to be paid when the tickets are delivered. | nachname | Surname | nachnameEingeben | Please enter your surname and customer number. | nachnameFehltText | You have to enter your surname to search for your customer information !\nPlease correct your information. | name | Name | namensZusatz | affix | nein | no | neuKunde | New customer | nichtAkzeptiert | not accepted. | nichtAlleFelderGefuelltText | Please fill in all fields with an *, otherwise the booking cannot be processed. | nichtBearbeitet | was not edited. | oder | or | ok | OK | ort | City | plaetze5MinReserviert | The following seats are reserved for the next 5 minutes: | plaetzeSindReserviert | Your seats are reserved as soon as you submitted your order ! | platz | Seat | platzGruppe | Price categories | platzNichtGeloescht | Seat not deleted | platzNichtGeloeschtText | The seat could not deleted from the order | plz | Postal code | preis | Price | preisDerPlaetze | Price of the seats | produktionen | Productions | rabattCard | I have a | rabattCardText1 | Please enter the number of your | rabattCardText2 | after each seat. | reihe | Row | sitzPlanBuchungText1 | Please click in the overview of the floor plan to select a region. \nFor reservation choose single coloured seats in the detail view on the right. | sitzPlanBuchungText2 | To scroll to the best available seat of a price category please click on the desired price in the list on the left. | sitzPlanUebersicht | Floor plan overall view | sitzPlatzVorschlagen | Please suggest seats for me | spaetestesDatum | Latest date | sparte | Art kind | speichern | save | spielort | Location | sslHinweis | Security information | sslHinweisText | All data entered at the following pages will be transmitted using SSL-encryption. | start | Start | status | Status | strasse | Street | suchen | Search | suchKritAuswaehlen | Please select the filters for the event search | suchKritDatumHinweisText1 | restrict the period of | suchKritDatumHinweisText2 | days | suchKritHelpText1 | Please select the filters for the event search | suchKritHelpText2 | If you adopt the preset information, then all events for the entered timeframe will be displayed. You can select the desired event from the list by mouse click. The event will then be color-highlighted.\nThe status displays to what degree tickets are still available for events:\nRed => The event is sold out.\nYellow => Only a few tickets are available for sale.\nGreen => Enough tickets are available for sale. | suchKritKunstgattungText | select a Art kind, Productions or City | telefon | Phone | textVeranstDataHelpText | Please select a seating group from the list (top right) and enter the number of desired seats per discount type from the list (bottom right). Then click onto 'next'. | titel | Title | uebersicht | To the overview | uhr | | uhrzeit | Time | um | , | ungueltBankdaten | Payment failed ! | ungueltBankdatenText | The payment of the order failed. Please check the entered credit card information and try again. Contact the event holder if the problem persists. | ungueltBlz | Invalid bank number ! | ungueltBlzText | The entered bank number is invalid, please check your input. Enter only numbers ! | ungueltDatumsbereichText | The entered period of time is not valid. Please check your input. | ungueltKKDaten | Payment failed ! | ungueltKKDatenText | The payment of the order failed. Please check the entered credit card information and try again. Contact the event holder if the problem persists. | ungueltKontoNr | Invalid bank account number ! | ungueltKontoNrText | The entered bank account number is invalid, please check your input. Enter only numbers ! | ungueltKreditKartenNr | Invalid credit card number | ungueltKreditKartenNrText | The entered credit card number is invalid, please check your input. Enter only numbers ! | ungueltKreditKartenNrZusatz | Invalid credit card verification code ! | ungueltKreditKartenNrZusatzText | The entered credit card verification code is invalid, please check your input. Enter only numbers ! | ungueltKundenNrText | The entered customer number is invalid, please check your input. Enter only numbers ! | ungueltVeranstNr | Event not online bookable at the moment ! | ungueltVeranstNrText | The selected event is not online bookable at the moment. Please follow the instructions to search for alternative events. | veranstaltung | event | veranstaltungsSuche | continue shopping | veranstaltungSuchen | Search event | veranstaltungSuchenText | Please first search for your desired event. Select the appropriate search criteria and click onto 'Search'. The desired events will then be displayed for you in the bottom field. | veranstDataHelpText | Seat selection: \nGlide the mouse over the seating chart in the middle. The frame will indicate the approximate position of the seats, which can then be enlarged when clicked upon. Click with the mouse to reserve the desired seats. Grey seats are not available. To release seats, re-click onto the seats.\n\nSeating groups/Prices: \nYou can determine the relevant seating groups based on the color marking in the seating chart and the price overview (right). \n\nStatus: \nThe status of availability in the individual seating groups is displayed as follows: \nRed => The seating group is sold out. \nYellow => Only a few tickets are available for sale.\nGreen => Enough tickets are available for sale. \n\nBest seat display: \nTo display the best available seats in a seating group, click onto the relevant price in the price overview (bottom right). \n\nSeating list: \nThe selected seats will appear in the seating list (below).\nHere via a selection list you can enter which sales type you wish to reserve the tickets in. | veranstNichtBuchbar | Event can not be odered at the moment ! | veranstNichtBuchbarText | The selected event is not available for online order at the moment. Please try again later or choose another event. | verbindungsFehler | Connection error | verbindungsFehlerText | An error occured during the data transfer.\nPlease press the 'CTRL'-key (if you are using Internet Explorer) or the 'Shift'-key (if you are using Netscape) and click on the 'Reload'-button of your browser.\nPlease contact the event holder, if the problem persists. | verfuegbarePlGrp | Available price categories | verfuegbarePlGrpBlock | Available sections | verkaufsart | Reduction type | vielenDankFuerAuftrag | Thank you for your order. | vorkaufsplaetzeAuswaehlen | Please select the seats for which you wish to exercise the advanced purchase option. | vorkaufsPlaetzeHelpText | In the list, all seats in the events are displayed for which you own an advanced purchase option. In order to select a seat, mark the selection box and select the desired sales type. Click onto next in order to exercise your advanced purchase option. | vorkaufsrechtText1 | Afterwards, you can select the seats for which you would like to exercise the | vorkaufsrechtText2 | advanced purchase option and then pay for these seats | vorkaufsrechtText3 | subsequently. | vorlBest | Provisional confirmation for your internet order | vorname | First name | walletFehler | Error during routing to external payment service provider. | walletFehlerText | Currently it is not possible to route you to an external service provider. Please select a different payment type or contact the promoter if no other payment type is offered. | walletText | If you confirm 'Conclude Order' then you will be routed to an external payment service provider. | warenkorb | Shopping Cart | warenkorbHelpText | Here you see your reserved seats. If you want to reduce the number of reserved seats in your Shopping Cart, please press the 'delete'-button | warenkorbtext | Your reserved seats | weiter | Continue | wochentage | Weekdays | zurueck | Back | zurueckButtonNichtBenutzen | Attention: please do not use the 'back-button' of your browser during booking! | zustellArt | Delivery | zustellArtHelpText | Order data: \nThis is where your entire customer and order data is displayed. Please review this information carefully.\nIf you wish to make any changes, please click onto the button 'Back'.\n\nDelivery type: \nPlease search for your choice of delivery type by clicking onto the selection box. The payment types will then be displayed in the field below. \n\nPayment data:\nPlease enter the appropriate data for payment per credit card or direct debit.\nFor the confirmation of the data and the final reservation of the tickets, please click onto the button 'Conclude Order'. | zustellArtWaehlen | Please select the kind of delivery | zuvielePlaetzeAusgewaehlt | Too many seats selected ! | zuvieleSitzPlanPlaetzeAusgewaehlt1Text | There are | zuvieleSitzPlanPlaetzeAusgewaehlt2Text | seats per booking allowed. Please deselect a seat before you select another one | zuvieleSitzPlanPlaetzeAusgewaehlt3Text | or reduce the number of reserved seats in your Shopping Cart. | emailNichtEindeutigText | Your e-mail is not clearly stored in the system. Please enter your customer number and password. | identifizieren1Text1 | Please identify yourself by entering your e-mail address and password and then click 'Next'. | identifizieren2Text1 | Please identify yourself by providing your surname and your customer number and then click onto | identifizieren2Text2 | 'Display customer data' | identifizieren3Text1 | Please enter your e-mail address to which the generated password should be sent and then click | identifizieren3Text2 | onto 'Send'. | kartenpruefnummerText | The card check digit is a three or four digit number located in the signature field on the back of your credit card or if you have American Express then it will be located on the front on the right hand side above the credit card number. | keineEMailText | No e-mail address is stored in my customer data. | kundendateAnzeigen | Display customer data | kundendatenAendern | Customer data | kundenDatenHelpText | Please enter your data here. All fields with a '*' have to be filled in. | kundeNichtBekanntFehlerText | Unable to find your customer data. Please check your entries. | kundenLoginHelpText | Login via e-mail and password:\nIf you are already registered with us as a customer, then you can identify yourself with your e-mail and password. After successfully logging on, you can modify your customer data using the button 'Customer Data'.\n\n I am a new customer and still have no login data:\nClick onto 'New Customer'. You will be directed to a page where you have to enter your customer data. Please fill in all fields marked with a '*'. If you click onto 'Save' a new password will be sent to the email address you have entered. With this new password, you can subsequently log on.\n\nI have forgotten my password:\nIf you have forgotten your password, click onto the blue marked word 'Password'. Now enter your e-mail address in the new field that opens up. A new password will be sent to this address with which you can authenticate yourself. Afterwards, you can modify your password in the area 'Customer Data'.\n\nI am already a customer; however, I do not have a password yet:\nIf you have already identified yourself in the booking system via surname and customer number, then please click onto the blue marked word 'Password'. Now a field will appear in which you can enter the e-mail address you have stored in the booking system. Have a password sent to your e-mail address and then authenticate yourself with your e-mail address and the sent password. If no e-mail address is stored in your customer data, you can click onto the blue marked sentence 'No e-mail address is stored in my customer data'. You will then be prompted to enter your surname and customer number. Via this information, your customer data will be determined and a page will be displayed where you have the option of storing an email address. Once you have sent off the modified customer data, an e-mail with the password will be sent to your address. | loginText1 | - Login via | loginText2 | e-mail and password. | neuKundeText1 | - I am | neuKundeText2 | a new customer | neuKundeText3 | and do not have any login data yet | passwort | Password | passwortAlt | Old password | passwortEingeben | Please enter your old and new password and confirm the new password | passwortNeu | New password | passwortNeuErzeugt | A new password has been generated and sent to the e-mail address stored in your customer data. Please log in with your e-mail address and the new password. You can then edit the password in the area 'Customer Data' and modify it yourself. | passwortText1 | - I am already a customer. However, I still do not have a | passwortText2 | password | passwortUeberpruefen | The password entries are not correct. Please check your entries and try again. | passwortVergessenText1 | -I have | passwortVergessenText2 | forgotten | passwortVergessenText3 | my password | passwortWiederholung | Repeat password | ungueltEMailText | You have entered an invalid e-mail address ! Please correct your entry. | updateKundendatenErfolgreich | Your customer data have been successfully modified. | updateKundendatenFehlgeschlagen | Unable to modify your customer data. Please try again. If this problem reoccurs, please contact the promoter. | updateKundendatenPasswortErfolgreich | Your customer data and password have been successfully modified. | updatePasswortErfolgreich | Your password has been changed, | zumBezahlvorgang | to payment transaction | zusenden | send | passwortNichtkorrektFehlerText | Your customer data could not be found. Please check your entry. | nochKeineErstanmeldung | No password was stored for your e-mail address. Please have a pasword send to you. | passwortGesperrt | You have entered a wrong password too often. A new password will be send to the denoted e-mail address. | passwortZuKurz | Your favored password does not meet the requirements - at least 6 signs. | kundeGesperrtKeineMail | As you have have entered the wrong password too many times, your password has been blocked. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to send the new password to your e-mail addrress. Please contact the promoter or have the new password send to you via the function 'I forgot my pasword'. | bestandsKundeKeineEmailText1 | - I am already a customer. However, my customer data does not contain | bestandsKundeKeineEmailText2 | an E-Mail address | emailhinweisText1 | A valid E-Mail address is required to book tickets online and to send you your login data. | emailhinweisText2 | Free E-Mail accounts are available from many providers on the web, e.g. Hotmail or GMX. If you | emailhinweisText3 | should not yet have an E-Mail address please contact the event holder. | ticketDirectanzeigen | Display TicketDirect | ticketDirectFehlerText | No TicketDirect could be generated. Please contact the organiser, using the order number as reference. | ticketDirectHinweis | Please take note of the following pointers | ticketDirectHinweisText1 | You have selected TicketDirect as delivery type. This means that you can print out the ticket directly on your printer at home instead of us sending you a ticket. This ticket is personalised and contains your name and address. | ticketDirectHinweisText2 | After you are done with this display screen, the ticket is made available to you as PDF file. The PDF format is a special file format for document display. In order to print the tickets, you require Acrobat Reader by Adobe ©, which can be downloaded for free under in case you do not have it installed on your computer yet. | ticketDirectHinweisText3 | The ticket is displayed at the end. We recommend that you print out the ticket immediately and subsequently save the file to your harddisk using Adobe Reader, which ensures you can print it out again, should this become necessary. Please protect the ticket print from moisture and contamination. | ticketDirectHinweisText4 | If you have entered a valid email address, the ticket is also sent to you (as PDF file). | ticketDirectHinweisText5 | Please keep in mind that this TicketDirect ticket may possibly only be accepted for admittance if it is presented along with a valid ID. | ticketDirectText | Please click the 'Display TicketDirect' button. Save the displayed PDF or print it out. | passwortNichtGeaendert | Your password could not be changed, please try again. The password must have at least 6 characters. If you do not manage to change your password after several attempts, please turn to the organizer. | flexDatumHinweisText1 | The date of the event | flexDatumHinweisText2 | is preliminary and may vary. | besetzt | Seats reserved | ticketspersonalisieren | Personalize tickets? | personalisieren | Personalization | personalisierenText | The possibility exists to personalize each ticket. You can enter a name and date of birth for each ticket. | geburtsdatum | Date of birth | personalisierungOK | The tickets could be personalized | personalisierungFehlt | You wish to book tickets requiring personalization. Please fill in all fields on the following personalization mask that are marked with a '*' | datumImFormat | Please enter the date of birth in format 'TT.MM.JJJJ' | datumUeberpruefen | Please check the date. | nachnameAngeben | Please enter a last name. | rabattCardText1 | If you are the holder of a | rabattCardText2 | , please click on the ' | rabattCardText3 | ' button in the top bar. | rabattCardHinweisText1 | After each seat, enter the number of your | rabattCardHinweisText2 | . | personalisierungsHinweis | Once the desired seats have been personalized, click on 'cancel' to leave the personalization mask. | nochNichtPersonalisiertText1 | no visitor data | nochNichtPersonalisiertText2 | exists | besucherdaten | visitor data | rabattCardHinweis | Please enter your card number into the text fields below the seat data | rabattCardSetzenOK | The card numbers were entered successfully. | nichtAkzeptiert | was not accepted. Reason | keinePlaetzeGefundenText1 | Not | keinePlaetzeGefundenText2 | seats found side by side. | keinePlaetzeGefundenText3 | seats found in a group / nearby . | keinePlaetzeGefundenText4 | seats found which are not continous. | keineZustellartAusgewaehlt | No delivery type selected | keineZustellartAusgewaehltText | You did not select any delivery type. Please mark the desired delivery type at first. Then select the pay type and then complete the order. | kundeGesperrt | Eror in the customer data | kundeGesperrtText |An error occured while adding your customer data to the order. Please connect the promotor to remove the error. | plaetzeFrei | Seats available | plaetzeInGruppe | Would you like to book the seats in a group / nearby? | plaetzeNebeneinander | Would you like to book the seats side by side? | plaetzeUnzusammenhaengend | Would you like to book the seats which are not continous? |